Saturday, 20 August 2011

DIY Wedding favours

Today saw the creation of my second (and considerably improved!) pair of barefoot sandals. These I will be making for and giving to MOB, MOG and my two bridesmaids, as well as being worn by myself during the ceremony. I am also considering having these in my OOT bags for the remaining female guests (as we are only having another 2 directly... most of my friends are male! Which is why I am having a man of honour/best man).

These are the pair I made today for my mum, in green (because it's her favourite colour) and purple (to match the wedding, and because the two go really nicely together) No mean feat when you have an attention seeking kitten wanting to play and thinking these are his new toy. FI had to get one of his actual toys and distract him at the other side of the living room!

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