Monday, 18 July 2011

One year down, two to go.

Just over a year ago, my soul mate (or as close as you can get, the [Tim Minchin-esque] cynic in me feels compelled to add!) proposed to me in beautiful Bayahibe. Over that summer I managed to put a few ideas together, before being thrown into an intense teacher training year that left little time for us to talk, let alone plan a wedding!

Now, here I am with time to breathe, time to take a break and time to obsess over a day that seems scarily close and horrendously far away at the same time!

And therein would lie the problem. With the wedding not happening until *2013* (leaving me unable to set a date, and therefore unable to plan or create a great deal) but with the prospect of only having next summer to get everything together (due to work), I find myself being thrown into a scenario where it's too far away to plan, but too close to not! I look on wedding websites and see people hedging their contributions with 'it's not until 2012 but...' and feeling like I must hold off any contribution for a more 'appropriate' time, whilst secretly scurrying away ideas, photos and links.

And yet, despite this, here I am! Throwing caution to the wind and delving into a world of chiffon, flowers and bubbles.

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