Monday, 18 July 2011

The Proposal

The day was perfect from start to finish. It began with breakfast in bed and the opening of presents and cards to mark my 22nd birthday. By 9am we were at 'The Private Corner' the secret spot with the ocean-view jacuzzi that they had rented for the day. It comprised of many wonderful elements: a meeting with Edwin- their wonderful personal waiter for the day (and amigo for the duration of their stay :)), a *lot* of champagne and corona, meerkat raving, a three course gourmet meal and a couples massage. It was so lovely to relax and spend quality time together being silly, and it will forever remain one of the most perfect days of our lives. At sunset Adam suggested that wewent for a walk down the beach, where we watched the waves splash against the rocks and shared some romantic words, all of which are a blur now. As we walked back to our special spot, Adam pointed down to behind some flowers, 'surprised' to see a turtle (of the cuddly variety) protecting a ring box. (I'd always joked that when he proposed he should have a [real] turtle present it to me in its mouth :p. This was a superior option to a lost ring and a dead turtle!) At this point I grabbed him and kissed him, preventing him from even being able to ask the all important question! When I finally released him, he got down on one knee and asked. I (obviously) said "of course", unromantically called him a 'big dick'  and grabbed him for more kisses as he slipped the ring onto my finger.

The love-turtle proposal

My beautiful ring

Just after he proposed
Breakfast and prezzies in bed

Our Special Spot


Corona and Champers.

The gorgeous view

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